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Finding a Substring in a String

Find all occurrences of the substring substring in the source_text string in the find_substring.asm file.

Display the results as follows:

Substring found at index: <N>

IMPORTANT: You cannot use the strstr library function (or similar) for this subtask.

TIP: For display, you can use both the PRINTF32 macro and the printf function, as in previous exercises. The steps for display using printf are as follows:

  • push the value you want to display onto the stack (the position where the substring was found)
  • push the address of the print_format string onto the stack
  • call the printf function
  • clean up the parameters added earlier from the stack by adding the value 8 to the esp register (each parameter is 4 bytes).

If you're having difficulties solving this exercise, go through this reading material.